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    We ended up in a bit of a pickle when we were renovating a property. Hock Your Ride explained everything in lots of detail. They were just overall, excellent.

    Susan McKinlay, Self employed home renovator, Alderley.

    I'm a business owner and was having issues with people not paying on time. Hock Your Ride are good to deal with and was just an easy process. I've used them several times since then and referred other people to them.

    John McKenna, Industrial Refrigeration, Nerang.

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    Loans For Bankrupts
    Secure Your Loan With Your Vehicle

    • Supporting everyday Bankrupt Australians with Cash Loans
    • Leverage Your Car, Ute, Truck, Bike, Jetski, Trailer, Caravan, Machinery or Boat for Cash Today!
    • We Don’t Do Any Credit Checks!
    • Great News for Bankrupts! No Repayments Until Loan Expiry!

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      Hock Your Ride Pawnbroker

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        Bankruptcy Loans

        Best Loans for Bankrupts

        Going through the process of bankruptcy can make you feel anxious and financially uncertain.

        Although you now have the chance to build your credit back up, your credit has undoubtedly taken a hit and will take months to years to rebuild to a point where you qualify for a loan that isn’t too expensive in terms of interest.

        One of the best ways to build up your credit after bankruptcy is through unsecured personal loans. Many people aren’t aware that you can, in fact, get a personal loan after bankruptcy through companies like Hock Your Ride.

        Although going through the process of bankruptcy does make it increasingly more difficult to get a personal loan, becoming informed on your situation and knowing where to receive unsecured loans when bankrupt can make the process just a little bit easier. Allowing you to build your credit back up slowly but surely.

        Once you receive your personal loan, maintaining a payment history that is full of on-time payments will allow you to eventually establish a positive payment history on your credit file and ensure that loans will become easier and easier to get, and that your loan application will be successful.

        Discharged bankrupt loans

        A discharged bankruptcy makes getting a loan in Australia much harder to get. But not impossible. Doing the research and finding out which loans for bankrupts are available for you in Australia will make getting a reasonable loan with reasonable interest rates much easier. One thing that may be beneficial to find out is if you’ll be able to prove that your recent bankruptcy experience was out of your control due to a specific financial situation, and how much has been repaid despite the bankruptcy taking place. A discharged bankruptcy essentially prevents creditors from taking any further action, such as levying additional fees and charges, regarding debt collection.

        Bankrupt car loans

        Are you recovering from bankruptcy and need a car loan in Australia quickly? Hock Your Ride understands that sometimes, everyone faces unfortunate situations in life. And that is why we are here to help.

        With no credit check required, Hock Your Ride can provide you with the financial assistance you need to not only get a car but to rebuild your credit as well. Increasing your credit score through one of our car loans is a great way to start rebuilding your financial situation after going through a bankruptcy or personal insolvency.

        Receiving car loans, among all other types of loans after bankruptcy, are challenging. But that doesn’t mean you are out of luck when it comes to securing a car loan following a bankruptcy situation. In terms of time, getting a car loan after bankruptcy, even if you’re a discharged bankrupt, will depend on whether you’re experiencing a chapter 7 or chapter 13. When dealing with chapter 7, you can expect your bankruptcy to stay open for 3-4 months. Before you can receive a car loan from a standard auto lender, you’re going to need to have what’s called a 341 meeting with your creditors to discuss any existing issues regarding your current debts. This is why turning to bankruptcy loans can help you get that car you need right away.

        Bankrupt Home Loans

        Many people think that after a bankruptcy, getting a home loan in Australia will be impossible. While a lender with a credit licence may be reticent to give you a home loan with a bankruptcy in your history, it’s not an impossibility. By educating yourself on the potential financial resources that are available to you, you will most likely be able to find a post-bankruptcy home loan with moderate interest rates. Especially here at Hock Your Ride.

        Why Hock Your Ride is the No.1 Bankruptcy Loan Lender For Home And Auto

        Hock Your Ride will work with you to understand the background of why you declared bankruptcy and provide you with a car loan or home loan to help meet your financial requirements. No matter how poor your credit history and how unpleasant your credit file, Hock Your Ride has the ability to give you a personal loan or a home loan that will aid you in rebuilding your credit history/payment history in the time that you’re recovering from your bankruptcy situation. At Hock Your Ride, we have:

        • Terrific Customer Service
        • An understanding team of professionals
        • Fast & Easy application processes
        • Quick approval and evaluations
        • Ability to give Instant cash on the spot
        • No credit checks required

        Property Loans for Bankrupts

        It can be very hard to acquire a home loan after bankruptcy due to the impact it has on your credit history. A lot of banks and private lenders are very tentative to give out big loans, such as a home loan, when you don’t have a great credit score. This is why companies like Hock Your Ride is so beneficial when it comes to getting the money you need now for a home loan after going through a bankruptcy.

        This is because we do not use your credit score as a factor in our decision-making process for any of our loans. Going through normal banks and credit unions may require you to build up your credit for years before successfully receiving lending from them, a process that can take anywhere from 2 years to 5 years. This can make the home loan process even more drawn out that it needs to be.

        Alternatively, here at Hock Your Ride, you may be eligible for a home loan amount you can use, even if you’ve recently had a bankruptcy, getting your cash quickly and easily without having to wait 5 years because you’re a discharged bankrupt.


        All you need to know about Bankruptcy

        What is the bankruptcy discharge period in Australia?

        The bankruptcy discharge period in Australia is usually 3 years and 1 day from when your bankruptcy was declared. During this time, you can take action steps to rebuild your credit by doing things such as securing personal loans with bankruptcies through companies like ours and paying them back on time.

        What happens after declaring yourself bankrupt?

        What happens after you declare yourself bankrupt depends on the type of bankruptcy that you’ve declared.

        The 3 main types of bankruptcy are chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter 13. Regarding chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be forced to liquidate certain assets (such as a house or car) to pay off all or at least a portion of your debt. Which assets are eligible depends entirely on your income level, but for the most part, this may be an option for you if you have little to no disposable income.

        When it comes to chapter 13 bankruptcy, you come to an agreement – assuming you qualify –  that allows you to pay off your debts in a 3-5 year window, but this bankruptcy debt agreement may allow you to keep all of your assets while doing so. During this time, some of your debts may end up being discharged, in which case, you will no longer need to worry about them in the future.

        Lastly, chapter 11 bankruptcy is essentially the same thing as chapter 13 bankruptcy but is usually limited to businesses. During a chapter 11, businesses usually get to keep all of their assets and continue business as usual while coming to some agreement to either pay off their debts regularly or have them forgiven. If it’s a question of “who pays for bankruptcies” it’s usually the business itself, though due to the specifics of the debt agreement there may be a drastically lowered figure to have to repay.

        How to check the discharged bankrupts list?

        The most common way for you to know for sure if your bankruptcy has been discharged is to check with your bankruptcy court clerk. Most of the time, the clerk may send you a notification via mail informing you that your bankruptcy has been discharged and the bankruptcy period has ended. If you do not receive anything in the mail, you may contact your bankruptcy clerk directly and request some type of knowledge or documentation regarding the current financial status of your bankruptcy.

        How will bankruptcy affect your credit score?

        The reason why so many people are discouraged after filing for bankruptcy is because their credit score takes a large hit. Bankruptcies can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years and will usually decrease your credit score 150 to 230 points. This dip is usually enough to take a previously good credit rating and bring it all the way down to being considered a poor one by any bank with a credit licence. This dip in credit score is also the reason why Hock Your Ride is preferred by so many people seeking loans after bankruptcy. because we do not check your credit score at all.

        How to rebuild credit after bankruptcy?

        The first thing you’re going to want to do to rebuild your credit score after bankruptcy is to check your credit score, which you can do with any of the various free tools available on the internet. Knowing where you’re at and where you need to go is a crucial first step in bringing your credit score back up to where it once was.

        Once you know what your credit score is, you’re going to want to start rebuilding your credit as quickly as possible. Depending on whether you filed for chapter 7 or chapter 13, the bankruptcy may disappear in 7-10 years. If you have not had your account for longer than 10 years, then you will essentially be starting from “ground zero”. Meaning, when it comes to qualifying for loans, you will essentially be weighted the same as an 18-year-old with no previous credit history. And with no credit history, getting lending can be very difficult – a credit provider is very reticent to provide loans to someone with no financial history. This is why so many people trust Hock Your Ride to give them reliable loans to boost their credit, because receiving a personal loan and paying it off on time in a consistent manner is one of the best ways to rebuild your credit after a bankruptcy.

        What can I do to avoid bankruptcy?

        The two best ways to avoid bankruptcy are to live within your means and to make payments in a timely fashion. Many people get themselves into bankruptcy because they are either trying to maintain lifestyles that they cannot afford or purchase things without considering future emergency situations. In both cases, this puts people against a wall financially when something unexpected happens, because they may not have the extra funds necessary to accommodate it.

        Although it sounds extremely simple, only purchasing things you can afford and have the ability to pay off in a timely manner is easier said than done.

        Making sure you’re living within your means are making wise purchasing decisions – while planning for any emergency situations – is a great way to avoid bankruptcy in the future.

        How much can I borrow when I have after bankruptcy?

        Although there is no strict limit on how much you can borrow after filing for bankruptcy, the general rule is that the higher the loan amount you’re asking for, the harder it’s going to be to get it. Once again, this is why customers at Hock Your Ride appreciate our services so much. Because we understand that sometimes, the unexpected does happen. And it is extremely difficult to consistently be in a place financially that can accommodate the unordinary and unusual.

        Receiving bankruptcy loans can be extremely difficult due to the effect it has had on your credit score. Luckily, companies like Hock Your Ride can provide you with alternative financial options that don’t require any type of credit check, allowing you to get the cash you need without worrying about your credit score holding you back. If you’ve recently went through a bankruptcy, and find yourself in a position where you need cash now, then schedule an appointment with Hock Your Ride and see what we can do for you when it comes to bankruptcy loans. Whether you’re a discharged bankrupt or you’re still going through the process, we can help you!

        Your Easy Steps To No Credit Check Cash Loans

        Fast No Credit Check Loans For People With Bad Credit or Poor Credit

        car keys on cash with mini car

        We will lend up to $90K against your vehicle

        • You need to own a vehicle to pawn it.
        • Your vehicle needs to be free of any finance.
        • Bring your vehicle to our Car Pawn Shop.

         Ownership and ID verification

        • Need 2 x Id: Licence, Medicare or Bank Card.
        • We need car Registration or Sales papers.
        • We will verify ownership and identification.
        man holding 100 dollar notes giving to customer for instant cash loan

         Give key and get money!

        • We will value your car & offer you cash loan.
        • Upon offer acceptance –the loan is processed.
        • You will receive Cash and your Car is stored till repaid.

        Our Location

        3/2 Elderslie Rd Yatala QLD 4207

        Further Information

        Get in touch with us in order to schedule a no-obligation approval today.

        Hock Your Ride Loans – Secured No Credit Check Loans Offer

        Loan Type: A Secured Loan – Borrowed Against your car, bike, boat, truck or machinery.
        Loan Amount:$1000* to $80,000* – No credit or background checks
        Loan Period: 3 Month less or more – 100% confidential process
        Loan Processing Time: Loan and cash in 30 Minutes* – Flexible Repayment & loan terms
        Who Can Get: 
        • Anybody who requires a loan, be it private or business, bad credit borrowers, bankrupt, employed or Unemployed ones.
        • He/she should own an unencumbered asset such as a car, motorbike, boat, etc. that can be used as collateral or security against any bankruptcy loans.
        Loan Eligibility:
        • Borrowers need to be at least 18 years of age and need to own their assets outright.
        • Students, single parents, pensioners, self-employed, businesses, and people receiving Centrelink payments are all eligible for our bankruptcy loans.
        ChecklistClick Here to view our requirements that you need to bring with you.


        We Loan Cash Fast Against Your Ride. Contact us Today and Get Your Cash Loan Now!

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